Stuff in the sky
Dear Readers,
I just want to say that despite my snarly-by-nature Gen X qualities/“personality” I did enjoy the eclipse! I thought it looked cool! Sometimes I think my whole life is just a journey to admitting I like things, but also, I like all sorts of things and I feel like I never shut up about them. Just a loud person yelling about Diet Coke and Stop Makin g Sense! Anyway good job to the sun and the moon for putting on a nice show for us. It was nice for them to take it down the center of the country, we normally get more acts stopping in LA so it’s a nice change.
However, if you are in Los Angeles, I’m going to be doing a couple of cool things at the LA Times Festival of Books on Sunday, April 21. I’ll be signing at the Steamy Lit booth at 11am, and then moderating the YA panel Love Is Love, featuring Marisa Kanter, Abigail Hing Wen, Parisa Akhbari, and Julie Abe, at 3pm. I want to say that I feel VERY LUCKY to go to so many cool book events every year, but I am especially fond of LATFOB and if you are in/near LA I urge you to check it out. It’s genuinely always the best!
I’m also going to be in conversation with Marisa Kanter at the Ripped Bodice in Culver City on Tuesday, April 23 to celebrate her new book Finally Fitz!
As always (NOT REALLY I USED TO BE BAD ABOUT MAINTAINING THIS ASPECT OF MY WEB SITE BUT I AM COMMITTED TO A NEW WAY FORWARD) you can check out all my upcoming events at (and if you haven’t yet seen my site redesign by Werewolf Girlfriend what on earth are you waiting for)!
I don’t share most of my reviews (that way leads to madness, etc.) but I did want to share a link to this beautiful and funny and thoughtful review of At Her Service from Riese at Autostraddle. When I was just an anxiety-ridden lockdown-contained author with a Word document and a dream, I hoped for things like wise and knowing reviews from places like AND INCLUDING Autostraddle. A choice excerpt: “At Her Service has got so much of what actually worked on Generation Q: ambitious twentysomethings working Hollywood-adjacent jobs and earning wildly variant incomes, a bar where everybody knows your name, seemingly unattainable crushes and the looming specter of social media. It’s peppered with lively, specific details that reflect a deep knowledge of the city and history and its gays (including, much to my personal delight, a reference to smash hit podcast To L and Back) and, most importantly, how we like to name our kickball teams. Spalding’s Los Angeles is charming and serendipitous and sexy and heartwarming, and I think we all deserve a bit of that sunshine.” Thank you to Riese and Autostraddle!
And if YOU haven’t read At Her Service yet, there are all sorts of ways to order it right now! Including probably at your local library!
Finally, For Her Consideration’s ebook is on sale for a mere $1.99, so if you haven’t yet gotten it, this is such a good time to do so!
My friend gave me Japanese chocolate-orange KitKats and they are DELICIOUS.
Not Drying Out
During lockdown I did a lip balm experiment and found that, for me at least, Glossier’s The Balm Dot Com lasted the longest, which is even more convenient now that I actually leave my home and such. The weather has been v back and forth in LA and my lips are so dry these days, so I’m glad I still have a bunch of this on hand!
Listening To
Aren’t we all.
Always Drinking
I just love the way a McDonald’s Diet Coke hits.
If you don’t live in LA I’ll just say you probably have a very different perception of how our weather has been lately than those of us who live here. In short, it’s CONFUSING??