My New Book Is…Eventually…
Dear Readers,
I cannot wait to share more with y’all SOON but it has been busy here. I turned in my next book (mostly… it’s going to go back and forth a bit more but it is SO CLOSE) and people who are not me, my editor, or my agent are going to be reading it. May even be reading it right now.
If you’re an author you probably understand how this can feel a little barfy. As a reader, you may think, Amy, don’t you write these books to be read by others? AND I DO. But also a book is a special kind of creative work where for so long it just lives between me and my various computers (I use a weird number of computers I think?) and it’s for no one else. And then it’s for like, two other people, and those two other people work closely with the book too. But then all of a sudden, it’s more people, and more people still. And then even more! Soon to include many of you (fingers crossed). It’s strange and I know writers talk about that a lot but it’s because it really IS strange.
I remember the first time I was sending out a manuscript to fancy people to potentially blurb it that I kept texting a friend “BARF!!!!!” and the thing is… I feel way less barfy now. But I still feel a little barfy. Barfy is the human condition, though (I THINK??).
If you’re like “wow I wanted to hear about the new book and instead she just keeps typing ‘barf’” the good news is that hopefully soon I will get to share soooo many details with y’all. So STAY TUNED.
The Columbus Book Festival is less than a month away now, so I hope I will get to see some of you there! I had a blast last year, and can’t wait to do it again.
More from me, and soon! If this is your least favorite time of year, please remember I am a radical summer hater and I support you!!!
My main purpose in life is to try to make my face as matte as the ('80s and ‘90s version of Photoshopped) faces in the magazines I read as a tween and teen. Anyway, switched my daily primer to Milk’s Pore Eclipse Mattifying Primer (I mix it together with my foundation and apply together). Will it save me from oiliness? Not entirely, but it’s good. My search will probably always go on though.
My MUA used Bakeup’s Tarantulash for my photoshoot and I LOVED IT so it’s now part of my daily routine.
For all of you who wear shorts under your dresses and skirts, I just bought a bunch of Snag’s Chub Rub Shorts (I HATE THIS NAME, HATE THE TERM “CHUB RUB”, BUT THEY ARE GOOD).
Just freaking LOVED Marie-Helene Bertino’s Beautyland, a book I kept passing up because of the name, and I am so glad I finally got to. Beautiful, thoughtful, hilarious, heartbreaking. I feel so lucky every time I find myself in the pages of a book about a real weirdo.
Pride Reading
Please read queer all year HOWEVER it is a v good time to read my books! Lemme tell you about them!
"Although At Her Service is technically a rom-com, I was most drawn to its depiction of a young lesbian not just looking for love but also for friends and direction and an authentic place to grow within a town and an industry known for its superficiality."
“If the Golden Girls were 30-something lesbians living in Los Angeles, For Her Consideration is that book.” ―Claire Bone, of Wild Sisters Book Company
“Buoyant and genuinely funny. No Boy Summer is a love letter to summer friends, summer girls, and the city of Los Angeles.” —Rainbow Rowell, #1 New York Times bestselling author
“Amy Spalding knows that best friendships are love stories, and this one is complex, earnest, and unflinching. We Used to Be Friends is a must-read for anyone who's ever had or lost a friend.” ―Becky Albertalli, New York Times bestselling author
“The Summer of Jordi Perez is the queer, fat girl rom-com of my dreams! Plus-size fashion, a fat girl falling in love, nuanced friendships, and cheeseburgers! Did I mention cheeseburgers?” —Julie Murphy, #1 New York Times bestselling author
My usual rotation is between three computers.
"Barfy is the human condition" - Amy Spalding